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Що таке квест-кімната?
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Чемпіон з екстреної допомоги
Часовий пояс:
An insane doctor has one self-serving agenda: to create a deadly virus against mankind! You and your peers are the chosen elite team who are responsible for... [більше].
час роботи.хв
Немає відгуків
An insane doctor has one self-serving agenda: to create a deadly virus against mankind! You and your peers are the chosen elite team who are responsible for preventing him from his evil plan. As part of this team, you have just arrived at the surgery. You only have 60 minutes before the professor finds out your entry and catches you. You must scour through piles of files and other medical equipment to stumble upon the antiserum and get out of the surgery. You are faced with one of the greatest responsibilities known to mankind.
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Scavenger Escape Nürnberg - Nürnberg
90459 Nürnberg Wölckernstraße 10.
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