In this article you will find practical information about billing on Lockme. You will learn where to find invoices for bookings, when bookings settle, how often accounting documents are issued, how an invoice differs from a month's summary.

    Settlement rules

    • Lockme settles accounts with partners based on commissions on bookings made through the platform.
    • Settlements are made on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on the terms of cooperation.
    • Invoices cover only bookings that have been settled during the period.
    • Bookings made through Lockme settle 48 hours after the booking date. This means that the funds for the bookings are credited to the partner's billing account 48 hours after they are made.


    • A booking from January 31 will be settled on February 2. The funds will hit the partner's billing account on that day and will be included in the February invoice.

    Where to find invoices?

    Invoices are available in the Lockme panel. They can be found in the following location:

    • Partner Area > Monthly Invoices.image

    There you will find all generated invoices - monthly or quarterly, depending on the terms of the partnership. In this section you can:

    1. Download invoices in PDF format,
    2. Export a list of bookings that have been included in a given invoice,
    3. Check the details of specific reservations, such as the date of the reservation, the amount and the payment status.

    Invoice versus month summary - what's the difference?

    Each month the partner receives an email that contains:

    • Monthly summary - this is a summary of all bookings and reviews from a given calendar month. It is an informative summary that shows how many bookings there were and what reviews customers gave, but has no accounting value.image
    • Invoice - is an accounting document that contains only those bookings that were actually billed in a given month. It may happen that bookings from the end of the previous month will appear on the invoice, if they were settled later.

    In the simplest terms, a month's summary is a kind of report for review that shows everything that happened on the platform, while an invoice is an official document for settlement. It's possible that the numbers don't match in them, because the invoice doesn't include bookings that haven't yet been settled.

    How to issue receipts and invoices for bookings?

    Receipts and invoices for bookings, regardless of whether the booking was made through Lockme or through the partner's site, are issued by the partner. These documents are issued for the full amount of the reservation.

    If you have additional questions about billing on Lockme, please contact our support department at [email protected].

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