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Часовий пояс:
His powers and twisted influence ever-growing, the Dark Lord has infiltrated the once impermeable walls of the School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. His goal, the... [більше].
час роботи.хв
Немає відгуків
His powers and twisted influence ever-growing, the Dark Lord has infiltrated the once impermeable walls of the School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. His goal, the immortality magic long since placed under the watchful eye and protectorate of the School's Headmaster. His intentions, too dark and twisted even for us to guess.
With the stolen book of 'Antiquitvs Spellmvsia' now in the Dark Lord's possession, and his heinous henchman having secretly acquired all but one of the elements called for by its immortality potion, it's only your team that stands in the Dark Lord's way now!
You MUST find and protect that last element... the Alchemist's Stone. Without it, the Dark Lord has no chance at immortality. Should you fail though, the consequences are too grim to bear.
You've found your way into the Headmaster's secret Wizarding Chamber deep beneath the school buildings, now you must discover its clues and solve its puzzles before the chamber will entrust the Alchemist's Stone to your protection. But don't delay! The Dark Lord's minions are also closing in on the Chamber's location! Is that them you hear at the door?!
You have one hour...
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