Edyta N.

    Edyta N.

    Ahoj, ja som Edyta N.. Navštívil som 95 únikových miestností. Pozývam vás, aby ste si prezreli môj profil. Sledujte ma alebo mi napíšte správu a porozprávajte sa o únikových miestnostiach.

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    Úniková miestnosť - Heisenberg

    Breaking bad...

    6. 11. 2017 | dátum návštevy: 3. 11. 2017

    Ok, first of all I noticed something about the “negative” reviews of this room. Most of them have some dislikes, which makes me think...
    Anyways, I really wanted to love this room and I’ve seen couple of the episodes of the Breaking Bad.
    Let me start by saying, the decor and the whole vibe of the room was very cool. You could really feel like you’re in Walter’s trailer. The main puzzle was interesting, but that is unfortunately all of the pros of this room (in my opinion).
    The room seem to be made for one person (there is not much to do for more than just one). There’s some side task, that you need to do but really if you’re alone, I feel like you would be able to escape.
    We’ve been told that the room has no traditional locks, which wouldn’t be a problem if there was some other interesting puzzles, but unfortunately the puzzles missed the mark for me in this ER.
    Almost everything in this room is electronic, so you have to be careful what are you doing (the touch screen is not very sensitive, and when you’re trying to change something on the screen, there’s a delay of couple seconds). I know, what the authors where trying to do here, but in my opinion, room that depends on touch screen and technology so much, should have been working flawlessly.
    the customer service was average, I would say even a bit rude. Maybe they were not trying to be but, that’s how we felt. When we first walk in, nobody smiled, people at the front desk looked like They have to be there and we were making it super inconvenient, being there. After the game, We’ve been showed how everything works( we didn’t get out in time), and even then we felt like they were explaining it, taking down to us.
    It’s just my opinion, maybe people had different experience in this ER. Not everyone has to like the same things. Not my cup of tea.
    Nedávno navštívené izby:

    Celkové hodnotenie: 5/10

    Služby zákazníkom: 6/10

    Interiér: 10/10

    Obtiažnosť: Hard

    Úniková miestnosť - Porwanie


    20. 10. 2017 | dátum návštevy: 8. 5. 2017

    The room was nice, but the room has a lot of distractions, that we spent a lot of our time on.
    The decorations are nice, but it's hard to focus having so many things without purpose in the room. Maybe it's just me, but the first part of the room was more exciting than the second.
    The stuff was super nice.
    Nedávno navštívené izby:

    Celkové hodnotenie: 5/10

    Služby zákazníkom: 10/10

    Interiér: 8/10

    Obtiažnosť: Stredné

    Úniková miestnosť - Grobowiec Faraona
    Grobowiec Faraona


    20. 10. 2017 | dátum návštevy: 18. 9. 2017

    Room has an awesome decor, I think it would be perfect for anyone that starts their journey with ERs.
    The puzzles are quite easy.
    I'm giving it a 6 just because it's a bit to easy to put it in a medium difficulty bracket, in some moments it was just boring.
    Nedávno navštívené izby:

    Celkové hodnotenie: 6/10

    Služby zákazníkom: 10/10

    Interiér: 10/10

    Obtiažnosť: Jednoduché

    Úniková miestnosť - Strych Szalonego Alchemika
    Strych Szalonego Alchemika


    20. 10. 2017 | dátum návštevy: 10. 11. 2016

    It was an awesome room, puzzles are very intuitive, although it's definitely not a thriller. It's more of a horror.
    The theme wasn't my cup of tea, that's why the score it's a bit lower.
    Still, Quest Cage is one of my favorite crews making ERs.
    Nedávno navštívené izby:

    Celkové hodnotenie: 5/10

    Služby zákazníkom: 10/10

    Interiér: 5/10

    Obtiažnosť: Stredné

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