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🗝️The TRICKY Rooms in the heart of Sofia! Smart team fun games for those who seek unconventional challenges and comfortable environment! 4 exquisite escape r... [viac]
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Izby na zozname želaní:
🗝️The TRICKY Rooms in the heart of Sofia! Smart team fun games for those who seek unconventional challenges and comfortable environment!
4 exquisite escape rooms (available in EN and BG):
The Detective & The Time Machine (2-6 players) - same location as The MaTRICK
The MaTRICK (2-6 players) - same location as The Detective
The BOOM! Room (2-5 players) - pretty near to The Detective and The MaTRICK
The Al Capone's Secret Bar (2-8 players) - really comfortable for as much as 8 guys willing to play all together!
3 different murder mystery party games (available in BG).
3KEY Rooms, Sofia
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