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ER Champ
Časové pásmo:
Chapter 2 of the Maxim Saga Steal back the ring at the heart of it all! The Maxim ring, the crown jewel of the Maxim family treasure, is kept right here in... [viac]
2-6 ľudí
60 minúty
1 recenzia
Švédsko: 31. miesto
Malmö: 4. miesto
2 players SEK 850
3 players SEK 1125
4 players SEK 1500
5 players SEK 1875
6 players SEK 2250
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 18:00-22:00
Thursday 16:00-22:00
Friday 16:00-22:00
Saturday 12:00-22:00
Sunday 14:00-20:00
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