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Those who only bring us destruction here are on the rise, and we are slowly becoming refugees in our own world. The last battle is imminent. And believe me,... [viac]
2-8 ľudí
70 minúty
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Those who only bring us destruction here are on the rise, and we are slowly becoming refugees in our own world. The last battle is imminent. And believe me, they are ready.
In order to know the plans of the Dark Side, we´ll have to look back for a moment. But how? Well, there is one possibility. But it will be challenging. There is a memory of one of Voldemort’s Death Eaters, who hid this object. I won’t have time to tell you more now. You´re clever, you´ll figure it out. But one thing is certain – you have to get it from him at all costs.
Today you have the opportunity to protect our home and our legacy. Without this memory, you leave the fate of the world to a chance. You must not fail!
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