Want to offer your customers unique discount codes for a visit to your Escape Room? Check out how to do it!

    Defining the code prefix

    In order to configure discount codes, it is necessary to first enter the partner account edit in the Lockme company dashboard. In the Lockme settings section, you have the option to define a unique identifier that will precede each discount code you generate. After saving your changes, go to the section dedicated to discount codes.


    Generating discount codes

    To create new discount codes, follow the instructions below.

    1. First, select a partner that has a defined discount code prefix.
    2. Next, specify the value of the discount in percentage or amount form.
    3. Also specify the expiration date of the codes and the days of the week on which they will be honored.
    4. Also decide whether the customer will be able to use the code only once or several times. Just check the appropriate box.image
    5. In the "Code" field, enter the value of the discount, select the appropriate currency and add a brief description of the code.
    6. In the "Code generation" section, assign the codes an appropriate name and define the number of codes to be generated.
    7. Complete the process by clicking the "Add" button.

    List of discount codes

    Your new discount codes are waiting for you in the "Discount Codes" tab. You can now share them with your customers!


    Have a question or need support?

    Contact our support team at: [email protected].

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