

    Hi, our Escape Game group is from Ostrava, so if you want to know any information and recommendations about games in Ostrava and surrounding cities let me kn... [mehr]

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    Escape Room - Oddech Demona
    Oddech Demona

    What a disappointment

    16.11.24 | Besuchsdatum: 16.11.24

    Glaubwürdige Bewertung

    What a waste of time and money. Seriously one of the worst games we played. The interior and atmosphere were good. But that's it. Flow of the game is at zero. You finish one puzzle and then you spend another 10 minutes figuring out another one. Very unlogical and unintuitive patterns. The game itself doesn't have many puzzle so if it wasn't for the constant stepbacks the game would be finished pretty quickly.

    The game is out for almost a year, right? Why don't you implement the reactions of players? You watch the game over and over, you see where players get stuck so then go and change those specific parts for the game to be better. It's the process of updating and adjusting the game that makes the games better but clearly that is not happening here. Creators did not do a great job. It looks as it's created by someone who played like 3 games and has barely any experience how the game should be, how the puzzles should go. I don't want to be specific not to spoil the content of the game.

    I was looking forward to another weekend of escape games but I was very disappointed - that was the feeling I had after completering the game.

    The game itself is offered also in English version which we played yet there are parts that are ONLY in Polish. Seriously?
    The gamemaster also stripped the introduction to bare minimum, probably due to the need to speak English. This doesn't add to the overall impression.
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    Allgemeine Note: 3/10

    Game Master: 5/10

    Klima: 6/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Schwer

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