In an effort to ensure the highest quality of service, we have introduced a new user verification system. This allows us to more effectively counter unfair practices and ensure that reviews on our platform are authentic.

    New ranking

    Outside of Poland, the reviews of users whose identity has been confirmed will have a greater impact on positioning than those of unverified users.

    What is the verification process like?

    To verify your account, all you need to do is fill out a simple form, which can be found in your Lockme profile. You will be able to follow the verification process on the first page of your profile thanks to a special progress bar. During the verification process, we will ask for:

    • Photo: It should be clear so that we can recognize you. The photo is only used to verify your identity. You can choose whether to make it public in your gallery or keep it private.
    • Name: The information you provide must match your identity document.
    • Phone number: We will send you a verification code to the number provided, which you must enter in the form. Remember that the code is valid for 5 minutes.
    • Minimum one review: If you have not yet given any reviews, remember that they must go through the verification process. There is a maximum of 24 hours for approval.


    When can I expect verification confirmation?

    Typically, the verification process takes a maximum of 24 hours. However, this time may be extended depending on various factors. Moreover, the administrator may return the verification request, informing the user of the necessary corrections. In this case, make the necessary modifications and resubmit the form.

    What do you gain from verification?

    Once your account is verified, you will see a small confirmation stamp next to your name throughout the Lockme platform.

    Do you have questions?

    If you have any doubts about the verification process, please contact our support team at [email protected]. We will be happy to answer all your questions.

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