Lockme is an international marketplace for escape rooms. It is present on the Polish, Czech, Swiss and German markets, among others. It offers services for both the player and the company in the industry. Lockme is based on a proprietary algorithm that is driven by user activity, ratings and feedback. Also through it, companies can reach new customers with their offerings and grow their business. Importantly: a basic business card on Lock.me is completely free.

    How to create a company account on Lockme?

    Step 1

    You can do it by clicking directly on the link, which will redirect you to the application subpage to the Lockme database.

    Step 2

    After selecting the "I am the owner of the escape room" field. Fill in the required company details and contact details.

    Step 3

    Next, select your account type. Decide if you want to become our Partner and enjoy all features and full support right away or would you rather start with a free business card? Can't decide? Read more about our offer.

    Step 4

    After submitting the form, we will verify the application within 1 business day and set up an account for your company, and you will receive the starter login details to the email address you provided. Take a look at the sample basic and free company profile.

    Complete your company profile

    The next step will be to present your company to Lockme users. Along with creating an account, you will get access to the management panel, through which you add rooms, complete information and configure reservations. If you need help adding rooms, please contact us at [email protected], we will be happy to help you.

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