Do you want to discover all the secrets of your profile? Read this article and find out how to change your password, add your top 5 and where to find information about your bookings.

    Edit profile

    Your profile consists of several tabs, including an edit tab where you can not only make basic changes, but also verify your account. After verification, a purple confirmation marker will appear next to your avatar.

    General profile settings

    Here you can customize your basic profile information, such as username, profile picture, short description or summary settings. Also, if you are an Escape Room employee or owner, we recommend limiting your account. It is against the site's terms and conditions for people in such roles to add reviews.


    Private account data

    Private account data primarily contains data necessary for contact, invoicing and payment processing. Completing the data here once will allow it to be automatically filled in for subsequent orders. It is worth noting that this data is not available to the public.


    Account verification

    Here you can check if your account has been verified. Want to know more about verification? Read the article User verification on Lockme.



    In this tab you can manage your newsletter subscription. You can sign up for it to receive updates about the Escape Rooms industry and more. Want to know what's happening in your favorite city? Personalize your notifications by selecting the cities that interest you.


    Change your password

    Here you can change the password to access your account. For security reasons, it is recommended that you change your password regularly.


    Changing your email address

    In this section you can update your email address. Remember that all important information regarding your account, such as order confirmations, password reset instructions and news will be sent to this address.



    You can find all your bookings, both current and past, under the "Orders" tab. Confirmation of your reservation will be sent to the email address you specify. What's more, after your visit, the visited room will automatically be added to your visited list.


    Friends and Followers

    The "Friends" tab is used to view the list of users with whom you have established a relationship. If you want to follow their activity and receive notifications of new reviews, observe their profiles.



    Here you will see all your achievements so far! Want to know how to earn more badges and advance to a higher level? Take a look at the "Badges to obtain" tab and see what you need to do.



    Here you can view all your approved reviews, as well as photos of your Escape Rooms adventures.



    Here you will find an inventory of all the rooms you have visited. Want to choose your top 5? Read on!

    Top 5

    Want to add your favorite room to the top 5? Go to the "Rooms" tab, click on the room of your choice and select "Top 5". Put it in the right place and you're done! You'll get a cool badge for making your top 5 list!



    Here you will find a complete list of all notifications you have received, including information about service updates and your achievements, such as badges earned.



    In the "Messages" section, you will find an archive of all private messages you have received.


    Do you have questions?

    If you have any questions about your Lockme account, please contact our support team at [email protected]. We will be happy to provide you with all the necessary information.

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