Escape Room - Haunted House 2: Poltergeist

    Haunted House 2: Poltergeist

    Pushing the limits of science and sanity, this Soviet experiment went too far. Now, 40 years later, it's up to you to uncover the truth. An old abandoned bu... [mehr]

    2-6 Spieler

    60 Minuten



    8 Bewertungen

    Tschechien: 2. Platz

    Prag: 2. Platz

    10 10/10 Game Master: 10/10 Klima: 10/10 Schwierigkeitsgrad je nach Spieler: Mittel Anzahl von Bewertungen: 8

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    Artur S...
    Artur S...

    710 Pkt

    204 Bewertungen


    08.08.24 | Besuchsdatum: 04.08.24

    Artur S... 204 Bewertungen

    What the hell had happened there. One of the best in Praha. The best horror room I have ever played. I hate to be scare in an escape room but here it was something else. Everything fits together, design, area of the game, puzzles, music, light and acting. The puzzles are rather easy and they should be such, in this atmosphere difficult tasks could be impossible to finish. Very good ending of the game. Game Master - great.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 10/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel


    235 Pkt

    141 Bewertungen

    One of the best escape room

    22.08.24 | Besuchsdatum: 13.08.24

    Nocne_Kochanki 141 Bewertungen

    Our 200th escape room. We specifically planned for it to be this room. We heard a lot of good opinions about this room, but it turned out to be even better!
    Half horror house, half escape room. Emotions accompanied us every minute of the game. Everything was planned - every puzzle, every effect, every transition. Everything worked together at the highest level. We haven't been in such a good room for a long time.
    The Game Mistresses supervised the course of the entire game - we appreciate it very much.
    The room used elements that we encountered for the first time - we never expected that such details could have such an impact on the whole and emotions.
    We recommend it to all horror fans!
    One of the best escape room

    Allgemeine Note: 10/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel


    767 Pkt

    306 Bewertungen


    09.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 18.03.23

    VooVoo 306 Bewertungen

    After great Haunted House, it was time for the icing on the cake - Poltergeist. A room about which we have heard a lot. The animation of the game and the way the suspense is build will impress even an experienced players. The puzzles are not difficult but heavy atmosphere can sometimes effectively increase blood pressure. Fearful players might sometimes have trouble to overcome their emotions so it's a good idea to go here in a larger group. Game Mastering at the highest level. Professional introduction and animation. We felt well taken care of. The room is definitely worth its price. Highly recommended!

    Allgemeine Note: 10/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel


    754 Pkt

    417 Bewertungen

    Those emotions!

    16.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 08.06.23

    Wesall 417 Bewertungen

    If anyone ever wonders whether to go to Poltergeist - YES! It was the best room in Prague I have visited. I have never experienced such a level of fear as there. I can't count how many times I teared up when something jumped out of me from every possible side. I loved those moments. The puzzles are easy and they should be, because if we were to focus on some logically difficult tasks, we would rather fail out of fear. Acting game - masterpiece! The end of the room - emotions from delight jumped beyond my expectations. 💙😱

    Jeśli kiedykolwiek ktokolwiek zastanawiałby się, czy iść do Poltergeista - TAK! Był to najlepszy pokój w Pradze, jaki odwiedziłem. Nigdy nie doświadczyłem takiego poziomu strachu jak tam. Nie zliczę, ile razy darłem mordę gdy coś mi wyskakiwało z każdej możliwej strony. Uwielbiałem te momenty. Zagadki są łatwe i takie być powinny, bo gdybyśmy mieli się skupiać nad jakimiś trudnymi logicznie zadaniami, to ze strachu raczej byśmy polegli. Gra aktorska - mistrzostwo! Końcówka pokoju - emocje z zachwytu wyskakiwały poza moje granice oczekiwań. 💙😱
    Those emotions!
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 10/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Leicht


    807 Pkt

    570 Bewertungen


    09.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 18.03.23

    Q 570 Bewertungen

    The real horror escape room! There's a lot going on in here. Storyline and animation are well thought out. Poltergeist managed to find a golden mean between the right dose of fear or scare factor and the number of riddles to solve. Extensive and well-designed interior perfectly complemented by lighting, sounds and special effects (some of the best ones I've ever seen in a horror escape room). If you’re a fan of the scary rooms, it’s a must-visit!

    Allgemeine Note: 10/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel


    700 Pkt

    206 Bewertungen


    09.04.22 | Besuchsdatum: 13.11.18

    Swistakk 206 Bewertungen

    Playing this room is guaranteed to make you feel a lot of tension and anxiety. This is achieved through a lot of factors. You are placed into a post-apocalyptic haunted facility that is full of surprises and it looks very realistically. Team dynamics is perfectly well planned in order to make sure players experience what they are supposed to and nobody misses anything from this show. Creators came up with a lot of ways to scare you and that is not at all bounded to some cheap jumpscares. Nevertheless, jumpscares are still present there, but I assure you they are well thought out and executed. In particular, the single best jumpscare I have ever seen is in this very room and I very fondly recall the buildup to it and the very "WTF!?" moment. Sound and lights play a crucial role as well. That is an exquisite experience that I always enthusiastically recommend whenever I hear anybody i going to Prague. However it won't be a good fit for 100% of escape room fans as it detours from the genre of an escape room into the haunted house route. It is much scarier than anything I have ever played in Poland and is not milder than what I've seen after playing dozens of famously scary games in Athens. However puzzles in it are still good, probably better than in your statistical scary room.

    I remember that after playing this game my friend said "This definitely topped The Padlock" (i.e. "Mission #53"). I loved Mission #53 and initially reacted "Lol, wat?", but with time I came to value this game more and more. I think I was in some way not ready to experience such game at this point (I don't think I even knew that this game is gonna be a scary one lol), where I was used to playing much more classical escape rooms only, but the feelings that this game left with me were precious and I crave to experience something similar in the future . However, I am afraid that won't happen ever again since with experience I got more used to games like this and even in games that have similarly high scarefactor I am no longer walking around thinking only "I am just wondering where will this fucker come from?". Even 3,5 years later this is still in the very top of my list (#7 out of 338) and even by today's standards matching or exceeding what was achieved here is remarkable.

    In my new rating scale that I decided to adapt (1-horrible, 2-ok, possibly flawed, 3-good, worth doing, 4-very good, 5-extraordinary) I grade this at:
    Set design, production value: 5
    Puzzles: 3
    Something original: 5
    Did I have fun?: 5
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 10/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Leicht


    148 Pkt

    18 Bewertungen

    After 4 years I still remember that room!

    31.08.22 | Besuchsdatum: 10.11.18

    aga-bum 18 Bewertungen

    Honestly, after 4 years I still remember lots of details from that room!
    Legend says that I made bruises at my friends arm, when I grabbed him, scared as hell. But I don’t regret any minute spent there!!! I hate to be scare but I loved the room… afterwards. :)

    Room execution, how the game master guides you through the room, decorations, music, room mechanics, all was brilliant!!!
    If you are in Prague, you must go to the Anonymous Shrink Office bar and visit this room.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 9/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel


    178 Pkt

    28 Bewertungen

    Wow ještě teď se třepu!

    08.01.25 | Besuchsdatum: 20.05.23


    stupka.t 28 Bewertungen

    Fakt si doteďka pamatuju pocity, které jsem při hře měl. Strašidelnější hru jsem zatím nehrál a mám velké obavy jestli vůbec ji někdy něco přebije. Hra jako taková se neskládá z velkého počtu hádanek, jde zde především o atmosféru, která ve hře panuje. Hodně malé detaily dotváří perfektní dojem a stoprocentní efekt na hráče. Takhle má vypadat hororová hra. Tady není co vytknout. Nechci spoilovat, ale hra obsahuje opravdu originální prvky, se kterými se jinde težko setkáte.

    Znovu bych si takovou hru rád zahrál!
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 10/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel


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