Michael R. 1

    Michael R. 1

    Привіт, я Michael R. 1. Я відвідав 6 квест-кімнат. Запрошую переглянути мій профіль. Слідкуйте за мною або напишіть повідомлення, щоб поговорити про квест кімнати.

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    21 pts
    Midnight Killer MK II
    Midnight Killer MK II

    Just stunning

    01.05.17 | дата візиту: 29.04.17

    This room is just amazing, the story, the effects, all the surprises ... a lot of effort was put in this room and you can feel that every second of the game.

    What we really loved about this room was the ending, sometimes rooms just end after you solve the last puzzle.
    Not this one. Here you get a proper ending ...

    To tell anything more about this room without spoiling is almpost impossible ... so just go and play it :)
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 10/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 10/10

    Складність: Жорсткий


    Great concept and atmosphere

    01.05.17 | дата візиту: 30.09.16

    This room is kind of special ... "lock me" says, that is the best room in poland ... and I know why.

    I have seen rooms with better interior, I have seen rooms with better riddles, I have seen rooms with better technical implementations BUT I rarely played a room in which the atmosphere and the concept behind it was done and executed that "beautifully".

    So just doing a straight comparison with other rooms: This one is good, but definetly not the best.
    In terms of overall-experience: this room totally deserves to be on top of the list.
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 10/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 9/10

    Складність: Середній


    Worst room in Wroclaw that we played

    01.05.17 | дата візиту: 30.04.17

    We played 16 rooms in wroclaw that far, and this was the worst one.

    Pretty much everything in the room was damaged, worn out, dirty or all of the above. Maybe this room was alot better when it was new, but it seems like there was never any maintenance work done.

    There isn't really any atmosphere ...
    The riddles where kind of ok, but since alot of stuff was damaged. solving them was sometimes harder than necessary.

    This is a room I can not recommend to play (go to the "Death Row" room at the same venue instead, that one is amazing).
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 1/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 7/10

    Інтер'єр: 3/10

    Складність: Жорсткий

    Cela śmierci
    Cela śmierci

    Great concept


    Everything about this room just feels right. Atmosphere puzzels, tension ... all fits perfectly. Especially the way the team has to play together is done extremly well.
    This room is a "must play". English skills of our game masters were mediocre - but that wasn't a really big problem,
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 9/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 8/10

    Інтер'єр: 10/10

    Складність: Легко


    Highest technical level we have seen in a while

    01.05.17 | дата візиту: 30.04.17

    This room is nothing like the "classic" lock and key room.
    It contains a lot of mechanisms, effects and all of that is implemented in a flawless manor.

    The atmosphere and the interior are as well spot on.
    Only downside: Its a pretty easy room. We solved it pretty fast, but it was still a lot of fun since you rarely see that kind of technical level in a regular escape room.
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 9/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 10/10

    Складність: Легко

    Zdrada w Breslau
    Zdrada w Breslau

    Amazing atmosphere !

    01.05.17 | дата візиту: 30.04.17

    The setting of this room is stunning. The riddles just flow from the start to the end and the atmosphere is absolutly amazing.
    If you got to wroclaw and only have time to play a couple of rooms, this is a must play.
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 10/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 10/10

    Складність: Середній

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