
    Привіт, я worklerab. Я відвідав 4 квест-кімнат. Запрошую переглянути мій профіль. Слідкуйте за мною або напишіть повідомлення, щоб поговорити про квест кімнати.

    Відвідані кімнати:

    Номери у списку бажань:



    Квест-кімната - Agent 21
    Agent 21

    A different type of experience!

    17.03.23 | дата візиту: 11.03.23

    We played Pablo's Millions, Chernobyl Diaries, The Hunt for the Dating Scammer and Agent 21 in two days. Now we can't wait until they open their next room!

    We were met by a professional, knowledgeable and very pleasant employee. Unlike most escape rooms, she could tell about how they started the company, how they thought when they designed and built the rooms.

    The story runs like a common thread through the escape rooms and is connected to all tasks. The decor is thematic and stylish. As they build everything themselves, each task is unique, and they are also really clever and creative!

    The premises are nice and atmospherically furnished.

    Service 5/5
    Riddles/tasks 5/5
    Environment 5/5

    Many thanks to the Amazing crew
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 9/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 9/10

    Складність: Середній

    Квест-кімната - Dejtingsvindlaren

    This one was really cool!

    17.03.23 | дата візиту: 11.03.23

    We played Pablo's Millions, Chernobyl Diaries, The Hunt for the Dating Scammer and Agent 21 in two days. Now we can't wait until they open their next room!

    We were met by a professional, knowledgeable and very pleasant employee. Unlike most escape rooms, she could tell about how they started the company, how they thought when they designed and built the rooms.

    The story runs like a common thread through the escape rooms and is connected to all tasks. The decor is thematic and stylish. As they build everything themselves, each task is unique, and they are also really clever and creative!

    The premises are nice and atmospherically furnished.

    Service 5/5
    Riddles/tasks 5/5
    Environment 5/5

    Many thanks to the Amazing crew
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 10/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 10/10

    Складність: Жорсткий

    Квест-кімната - Dagböcker från Tjernobyl
    Dagböcker från Tjernobyl

    We loved it!

    17.03.23 | дата візиту: 10.03.23

    We played Pablo's Millions, Chernobyl Diaries, The Hunt for the Dating Scammer and Agent 21 in two days. Now we can't wait until they open their next room!

    We were met by a professional, knowledgeable and very pleasant employee. Unlike most escape rooms, she could tell about how they started the company, how they thought when they designed and built the rooms.

    The story runs like a common thread through the escape rooms and is connected to all tasks. The decor is thematic and stylish. As they build everything themselves, each task is unique, and they are also really clever and creative!

    The premises are nice and atmospherically furnished.

    Service 5/5
    Riddles/tasks 5/5
    Environment 5/5

    Many thanks to the Amazing crew
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 9/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 9/10

    Складність: Середній

    Квест-кімната - Pablo Escobars miljoner
    Pablo Escobars miljoner

    We just loved it!

    17.03.23 | дата візиту: 10.02.23

    We played Pablo's Millions, Chernobyl Diaries, The Hunt for the Dating Scammer and Agent 21 in two days. Now we can't wait until they open their next room!

    We were met by a professional, knowledgeable and very pleasant employee. Unlike most escape rooms, she could tell about how they started the company, how they thought when they designed and built the rooms.

    The story runs like a common thread through the escape rooms and is connected to all tasks. The decor is thematic and stylish. As they build everything themselves, each task is unique, and they are also really clever and creative!

    The premises are nice and atmospherically furnished.

    Service 5/5
    Riddles/tasks 5/5
    Environment 5/5

    Many thanks to the Amazing crew
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 9/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 9/10

    Складність: Жорсткий

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