

    Привіт, я sveta.mishchuk. Я відвідав 32 квест-кімнат. Запрошую переглянути мій профіль. Слідкуйте за мною або напишіть повідомлення, щоб поговорити про квест кімнати.

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    93 pts

    Повернутися до повного списку відгуків

    Indiana 2.0
    Indiana 2.0

    Interesting room, but not for beginners)))

    03.03.23 | дата візиту: 04.12.22

    It was our fourth or fifth room, and we stucked in some places. We found new mechanics and puzzle types (for us;), and it's great! It's only one room, but we were 3 person and everyone found what to do. Room to be attentive, and calculate. A lot;) One more good room in our experience.
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 8/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 9/10

    Складність: Середній


    Great room for beginners or if you don't have a lot of expirience!

    03.03.23 | дата візиту: 26.11.22

    Archival rating

    It was our first room which we visited in Poland and in English (which isn't our native language). So I was amazed with organize of game, there were a screen, where we can see story, read hints (when we needed), so we weren't stuck if we didn't understand what Game Master told to us. It doesn't has some unique decor, but interior thematic and looks natural. Like this room, and happy that from it we started our journey across Warsaw's escape rooms.
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 9/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 10/10

    Складність: Середній


    Really big expactations

    18.02.23 | дата візиту: 18.12.22

    read a lot of great reviews about decorations and this room, so my expactations were big. Some riddles were strange to us (but with experience it turned out that such options also exist in another rooms). This was the first thriller we visited and it had a bit of an unexpected ending. Although no, completely unexpected! But after finishing, there was a feeling that there were moments that had not been refined. Some mechanisms work poorly, and some puzzles, from my point of view, require special skills or are illogical.
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 5/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 8/10

    Інтер'єр: 8/10

    Складність: Середній

    Відповідь компанії Zagadkownia

    Dear Sveta! We are sorry that we did not live up to your expectations. The room is regularly serviced and all defects are repaired on a regular basis. Therefore, could you please send us a description of the poorly working mechanisms and those puzzles that require special skills? We would also like to ask about illogical puzzles - this is the first notification of this nature and we wonder if everything worked as it should. Please write to us at [email protected]
    W cieniu piramid
    W cieniu piramid

    Amazing decorations, and great puzzles

    18.02.23 | дата візиту: 12.02.23

    I think this is great room. It's more difficult than The Legend Of The Sword but not for a lot. No locks, a lot of mechanisms. Also we found new types of riddles we didn't meet before. As for me it has two shortcomings, it confused us so we lost some time. But in general it was great expirience.
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 9/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 8/10

    Інтер'єр: 10/10

    Складність: Середній

    Tajemnica świątyni Majów
    Tajemnica świątyni Majów

    #9 Mystery of the Mayan Temple

    08.02.23 | дата візиту: 29.01.23

    Достовірний огляд

    Interesting room, it was our first in the Mysterious Room. It has great decoration, especially tropical forest . I really like it!
    I enjoy the story, also there were some riddles which we haven't met before.
    We were 3 people, had 60 minutes, but unfortunately it wasn't enough for us. Maybe we don't have enough experience, or stuck at first riddles (you need to be more aatentive, solutions in sight ) .
    In general it's great room, I think better for 4-5 people, as it possible to work separately to go out. But recommenf to visit, great experience!
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 8/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 8/10

    Інтер'єр: 10/10

    Складність: Середній

    Legenda Miecza
    Legenda Miecza

    Great room for the first quests

    08.02.23 | дата візиту: 05.02.23

    Visited this room last weekend. Good interior, good story, generally quite good puzzles. Many locks, but it didn't upset us, on the contrary, it kept us at a good pace. Before that, we visited about 12 rooms, and left this room 6 minutes before the end of time. Some puzzles were repeated, which gave a certain advantage.
    We walk through the rooms in English and a big advantage is that the Wyjście Awaryjne has screens with the time and hits on them.
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 8/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 9/10

    Складність: Легко


    Recommend to visit

    05.02.23 | дата візиту: 22.01.23

    Достовірний огляд

    This was the second room we visited in Gdańsk. After the first thriller room, it was slightly scary to go into a room of this category again (we don't like horror, and personally I never even watch horror movies). When we got into the room, we immediately understood that the atmosphere would keep us in a light tension all the time. But it's actually great!! All riddles are completely logical and understandable. We are a little stuck on one, but purely because of problems related to the English language. With the help of this riddle, the two of us were able to cross the room with 4 minutes to go. Completely satisfied and left only the best impressions!!
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 9/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 9/10

    Складність: Середній

    Upadłe Królestwo
    Upadłe Królestwo

    Room for experienced players

    05.02.23 | дата візиту: 21.01.23

    Достовірний огляд

    We arrived in Gdansk and decided to visit several quest rooms. We chose from those available at a time convenient for us. Upadłe Królestwo was the first. Frankly speaking, I paid attention to the good reviews, but not to the difficulty🙈 We stayed together, before that we visited about 10 rooms, and it was quite difficult for us. The riddles were unusual, without previous experience I think it would be almost impossible to pass. Some types of quests we encountered earlier, we coped with them faster, but one mystery remained not fully understood. In my opinion, there is no plot, you just have to solve the puzzles one by one. The decor and interior is good, conveys the atmosphere quite well. I think the room is perfect for 2-3 experienced players.
    Also, unfortunately, an unpleasant residue remained due to the game master. At a certain point, we needed a hint and no one answered us for 15 minutes, because of which we lost a lot of time, since the plot is linear, you cannot solve something else until you finish with the current riddle. At the end, they gave us the opportunity to go a little beyond our time, which of course cheered us up a little.
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 6/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 6/10

    Інтер'єр: 8/10

    Складність: Дуже важко

    Powstanie Warszawskie
    Powstanie Warszawskie

    Great history quest room with amazing interior

    05.02.23 | дата візиту: 02.01.23

    Достовірний огляд

    This was our very first room in Black Cat Escape Room When you get inside, you immediately get into the right era. The decor is probably one of the best and most finished of all the rooms we have been in before this. The puzzles are interesting, there are no locks, there is a certain plot, and you gradually move towards it. We were on a day when there was only one actor. As far as I'm concerned, that's enough. Krzyś improved the atmosphere, helped to understand and at a certain moment did not allow to relax. A special thanks to the fact that the room has multiple languages to pass through, which was very convenient for us. There were three of us and it was just right from my point of view. I recommend to visit.
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 9/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 10/10

    Складність: Середній

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