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Що таке квест-кімната?
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Чемпіон з екстреної допомоги
Часовий пояс:
You wake up in a dark room, startled and confused. Torture devices and bloody body parts can be seen in the flickering light. A terrifying voice lets you kno... [більше].
час роботи.хв
Немає відгуків
You wake up in a dark room, startled and confused. Torture devices and bloody body parts can be seen in the flickering light. A terrifying voice lets you know that you are now in the hands of a sadistic psychopath. What is this place? How did you end up here? The psychopath is about to leave - this might be your chance! But you’ll have to be quick. The only weapon you have is your mind – use it, explore the place and find a way out of this hellish nightmare!!
Оплата на картку
від 13 років
Не підходить людям з клаустрофобією
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Система аварійного відкриття дверей
Scavenger Escape Vienna - Wien
Kandlgasse 29.
1070 Wien
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