Edyta N.

    Edyta N.

    Hallo, ich bin Edyta N.. Ich habe 95 Escape Rooms besucht. Ich lade dich herzlich ein, mein Profil durchzulesen. Folge mir oder schreibe mir eine Nachricht, um über Escape Rooms sprechen zu können.

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    Escape Room - Smocza Skała
    Smocza Skała

    Game of thrones...

    06.11.17 | Besuchsdatum: 03.11.17

    It was a very fun experience.
    The room was quite dark, but that what gives this room a bit of mistery.
    There’s a lot of puzzles, so I would recommend to go with 3 or more people(we went as a team of 2, and we got out but it’s not our first rodeo). Puzzles itself are interesting, and you have to use your observation skills, a lot of time to figure them out.
    The decor was very nice.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 8/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Leicht

    Escape Room - Morderstwo w Orient Expressie
    Morderstwo w Orient Expressie

    Someone is playing with my mind, with my little gray cells...

    03.11.17 | Besuchsdatum: 01.11.17

    It's one of those rooms, that the authors took the time to perfect every detail in it, and you can definitely tell.
    From before you even walk in, to the moment that you walk out, you really feel like you're in the train and there's something very fishy going on.
    The puzzles are linear, and quite simple. To solve them all you need to use the power... of your brain, not your muscles.
    The customer service is super nice.
    In my opinion, everyone will have a lot of fun in this ER (from beginners to very advanced players), it's a must if you're in Katowice ( Chorzów it's only about 10min ride from Katowice).
    We're waiting for more ERs from LOFTescape!
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 9/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

    Escape Room - Tajemnica zniknięcia Hrabiego Riddle
    Tajemnica zniknięcia Hrabiego Riddle

    Case Reopened!

    03.11.17 | Besuchsdatum: 01.11.17

    For starters the room looks great! The decor is on point and every little detail is carefully place there, so you have to use your observation skills.
    The puzzles are quite challenging (especially when you're rushing to get out), but after solving them, they seem so obvious and logical, that you get agitated that you haven't figure it out sooner, (no? ok, maybe it's just me, but you know what I mean. Sometimes you just need to sit back and think) which actually what makes this room interesting, seems like it's super complicated, but after spending couple minutes on a puzzle (before you say anything, yes I'm still bitter about it) the answer is obvious.
    Now let me tell you about the locks....oh locks, my dear locks. It's the first room,that I've ever been in, (not counting Arsene Lupin, which has been changed to this room- hints the tittle of my review duh...) that locks where super unique, and impressive (some of the locks might troll you a bit).
    Customer service was awesome, it's really encouraging to see people with passion for ER making excellent rooms like that one.
    I would recommend this room for more advanced players and groups of least 3 people, as there is lots to do.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 9/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Schwer

    Escape Room - Dziki Zachód
    Dziki Zachód

    Wild Wild West

    31.10.17 | Besuchsdatum: 30.10.17

    Let me start by saying, that the decor was awesome, you feel like you've been transported to the set of a western movie.
    The customer service was super nice, and very helpful.
    Now, to the not so great things, the walkie talkie was constantly making noise, and we could hear everything that teams from other room are asking the game master, which was super distracting.
    Some of the puzzles lacked logic in my opinion, and some were just plain annoying.
    Maybe it was just me, but it was a emotional roller coaster: At first I loved it, than I got annoyed, than I was impressed and at the end the ER seem, like it's trying to troll us.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 7/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

    Escape Room - Chatka Czarownicy
    Chatka Czarownicy

    Hansel and Gretel

    31.10.17 | Besuchsdatum: 30.10.17

    It was soo fun!
    Everything in this room made me want to come back to see other rooms from Maze in Mind.
    The room wasn't very complected, but the puzzles were smart and innovative.
    The ER is quite big so there's a lot to do, (although there was 2 of us, and we got out before the deadline) but we've had so much fun, we didn't even noticed that so much time had past.
    Also, we've heard that not everyone has a pleasure to meet Mrs herself, and we were one of the few ones that did, so let me tell you it was interesting...to say the least ;) (I was repeating out loud, that I've been practicing martial arts for years at least 100 times being there ;)
    That said, the room wasn't very scary, just very dark.
    If I could i would give it 9,5, because it's so damn close to being perfect.
    I can't wait for more from Maze in Mind!!
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 9/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

    Antwort der Firma Maze in Mind

    Dziękujemy za opinię.
    Zależy nam na tym aby wszyscy klienci byli zadowoleni, dlatego będziemy bardzo wdzięczni za informację co Wam się nie podobało i co moglibyśmy poprawić, aby ocena była 10/10?
    Prosimy o wiadomość na [email protected] lub na FB.

    Ekipa Maze In Mind
    Escape Room - Tajemniczy las
    Tajemniczy las

    Getting lost in the woods.

    24.10.17 | Besuchsdatum: 24.10.17

    The room was interesting, the decor was very good and the customer service was excellent.
    The puzzles are linear, so make sure to check EVERYTHING.
    We had a lot of fun, and I can proudly say, that at the end we survived the last puzzle (I was told only few of the groups got the last puzzle right!)
    I would recommend this room for groups around 3 people.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 8/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

    Escape Room - Sherlock's Room
    Sherlock's Room

    The name is Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street

    22.10.17 | Besuchsdatum: 22.10.17

    Glaubwürdige Bewertung

    I really liked this room, the decor was awesome. It remind me of a Baker Street so much!
    It’s definitely a room for beginners, although more explained people will have a lot of fun too. My advice: don’t overthink things and make sure you’ve searched everything very thoroughly!
    The only thing that made me a bit mad was clues, that we were given. We’ve had figured out things that we got our clues about(if that makes any sense) so that was kind of disappointing, but other than that, the room was a lot of fun.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 9/10

    Game Master: 9/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

    Escape Room - Misja: Kopalnia
    Misja: Kopalnia

    Coal Mine

    20.10.17 | Besuchsdatum: 15.10.17

    It was an easy room, and that's what lost us. It almost seem too easy.
    We got out in time, but after we did, we though about it, and it was almost unbelievable how much time we spent on the easiest puzzles.
    The decor and stuff was on point, the only thing that annoyed me the most, was my own overthinking.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 8/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 10/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Leicht

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