

    We, of course, visited more escapes but unfortunatelly quite a bit are missing on

    Besuchte Räume:

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    Escape Room - Salónik


    03.02.24 | Besuchsdatum: 26.01.24

    Haunted house, a bit small for my liking, and the puzzles were a bit illogical. The keys and locks made a few of Us a bit mad. Anyway, the theming is nice with a touch of roleplay (which is not common). Yet, we did not feel welcome. So, overall, not worth it.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 5/10

    Game Master: 6/10

    Klima: 6/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Leicht

    Escape Room - Alchymista


    03.02.24 | Besuchsdatum: 28.05.23


    Both games share the same room (this and Alchymist), but this game is played in complete darkness, so it feels different as it doesn't really matter that you are in the same space. I would say it's a clever use of limited resources. Anyway, if you must pick one, I would recommend the first one. Have fun!
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 6/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 6/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

    Escape Room - Veľká lúpež
    Veľká lúpež

    Grand theft diamond.

    22.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 06.06.21

    Success. We did it, managed to rob them blind. Once again we felt their touch on the game. So we had fun playing even thou it wasn't the best game we played. I would recommend this ine but not the sucessing escape Velke vysetrovanie as it is the same room backwards... not to my liking at all
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 6/10

    Game Master: 9/10

    Klima: 7/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

    Escape Room - Gróf Dracula
    Gróf Dracula

    Not bad.

    22.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 24.12.20

    Once again I dont remember exact date but the escape was fine. I mean it surprised us a little at the end because there they added their touch to the game -> which could be seen also in other rooms except Sherlock where they do add this feature (you will understand when you try it) it definitely wont be the best you played but it is not a waste of time either :) Give it a shot
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 6/10

    Game Master: 9/10

    Klima: 6/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

    Escape Room - Sherlock Holmes
    Sherlock Holmes

    It was clever my dear Watson.

    22.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 16.09.20

    I dont remember exact date but guess based on their other escape room where we were later.. First escape from their hands and probably the best one.. The room itself has kind of rough edges so it is not the best looking one but it was fun, and we had a feeling they really tried to make it as good as they could. Noy sure if they are still open but it is worth a try.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 6/10

    Game Master: 9/10

    Klima: 5/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

    Escape Room - Špiónske Hry
    Špiónske Hry

    Too small.

    22.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 17.07.22

    We got out in no time, so we was kind of disapointed i think it was about 25 minutes... one puzzle got broken so we had to skip it which sucked... So room itself looked nice puzzles were smart and interesting but we was probably unlucky..
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 4/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 7/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Leicht

    Escape Room - Väznica Gray
    Väznica Gray


    22.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 18.06.21

    We tried it couple of years ago when it was on different adress, now it is ocated near train station's parking lot. We enjoyed it, it wasn't surprisingly good but we got what we expected and definitely recommend you try it :)
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 6/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 7/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

    Escape Room - Horror Story
    Horror Story

    Not great, not terrible.

    19.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 16.06.16

    Dunno when we were there it was years ago. I would not recommend it, because there are much better escapes in ZA so only if I already visit everything else. One of that old type of escape with padlocks on everything and not so stunning visuals.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 5/10

    Game Master: 6/10

    Klima: 5/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

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