Want to learn about additional payment options you can implement in your widget? Read this article.

    Configure additional forms of payment

    To configure additional forms of payment, go to the Lockme company panel and select the "Rooms" tab. The next step is to indicate the specific room for which you want to make changes to the settings and edit.



    Deposits are a form of prepayment collected from the customer at the time of booking. They are the security of the transaction for both the customer and the company. A deposit differs from a down payment in that, in the event of cancellation by the customer, it can be retained by the company, in accordance with established regulations. On the other hand, if it is the company that cancels the service, the deposit should be returned to the customer. The implementation of the down payment requires that it be included in the company's terms and conditions to clearly define the rules for its collection or return.

    Setup of deposits

    To configure the deposit, go to the "Booking Settings" tab. In the designated field, enter the value of the deposit in percentage.


    Enforcing full payment

    Enforcing full payment in the widget is a feature that obliges customers to pay the full amount for a reservation at the time of booking. This solution minimizes the risk of "empty" bookings and protects the company from losses resulting from last-minute cancellations.

    Configuration of forcing full payment

    The function of forcing full payment is activated after checking the designated box for selected slots in the "Default week settings" tab. In addition to the standard settings, you can further configure full payment by adding calendar exceptions. To learn how to add such exceptions, take a look at the link: https://lock.me/en/docs/article/calendar-exceptions


    Need help?

    Contact us: [email protected]

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