

    In der Firma Endorfin.cz gibt es 5 Räume. Um alle Räume zu beenden, brauchst du ca. 270 Minuten. [mehr]

    Informationen zur Firma

    In der Firma Endorfin.cz gibt es 5 Räume. Um alle Räume zu beenden, brauchst du ca. 270 Minuten.

    Praha, Tschechien


    Petrohradská 216/3
    Praha 10 – Vršovice, 101 00

    Verfügbare Räume in der Abteilung Praha

    Neueste Bewertungen


    23 Pkt

    2 Bewertungen

    One of the worst

    16.04.24 | Besuchsdatum: 12.10.23


    Drawax 2 Bewertungen

    One of the worst escape rooms we have visited. The room is old and 3 of the intended solutions didn't work because the mechanisms were outdated so the GM had to tell us how to force the solution to progress further. Also the atmosphere wasn't there.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 4/10

    Game Master: 10/10

    Klima: 6/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel


    734 Pkt

    344 Bewertungen

    I'm all alone and...

    17.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 10.06.23

    Wesall 344 Bewertungen

    ...I can count only on myslef.

    The morgue and me. That's it. If I can't, it will be my fault. I am locked in four small walls and have a few simple puzzles around me and 30 minutes to solve them. However, the pressure of not having another person can make even the simplest tasks longer. Somehow I managed to miss half the room, but the vigilant GM reacted quickly and came to put the game together to the point where I should be. The atmosphere is harsh, the sounds only help you feel. A very good experience for experienced players.

    Kostnica i ja. To tyle. Jeśli nie podołam, będzie to tylko moja wina. Jestem zamknięty w czterech niedużych ścianach i mam wokół kilka prostych zagadek oraz 30 minut na ich rozwiązanie. Jednakże presja braku drugiej osoby może nawet najłatwiejsze zadania wydłużyć. Jakimś cudem udało mi się pominąć pół pokoju, ale czujny MG szybko zareagował i przyszedł poskładać grę do momentu, w którym powinienem być. Klimat surowy, dźwięki tylko pomagają się wczuć. Bardzo dobre doświadczenie dla doświadczonych graczy.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 8/10

    Game Master: 9/10

    Klima: 8/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel


    777 Pkt

    521 Bewertungen


    09.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 19.03.23

    Q 521 Bewertungen

    Lots of references to a title movie but if you are looking for some thrilling or scary moments, you might feel a bit disappointment. Set design and decor are really cool, you definitely can feel 80’ vibe in here. Riddles based mostly on electronic solutions. I found interior well-planned either. This is quite enjoyable escape room, though a bit too easy for a group of four.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 7/10

    Game Master: 9/10

    Klima: 8/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Leicht


    777 Pkt

    521 Bewertungen


    09.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 19.03.23

    Q 521 Bewertungen

    We decided to play in this room quite spontaneously, having a free slot after finishing previous rooms in here faster than we planned. This escape room has a decent set design, although without a fireworks. Varied puzzles based mainly on electronic and manual solutions. All of the above made the game quite enjoyable, though not very much memorable. A good escape room for a lazy Sunday afternoon.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 7/10

    Game Master: 9/10

    Klima: 8/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel


    777 Pkt

    521 Bewertungen


    09.06.23 | Besuchsdatum: 19.03.23

    Q 521 Bewertungen

    An escape room version of the Saw movie with many references to the original classic. The room has the same pros and cons as the Titanic. The beginning and the middle part were really good but the ending left us with a question: that's it? Interestingly arranged elements of cooperation between players and high quality set design increase the value of this scenario. It's also worth to mention that this is rather a thriller than a horror escape room.
    Kürzlich besuchte Räume:

    Allgemeine Note: 8/10

    Game Master: 9/10

    Klima: 9/10

    Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

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