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    Ескейп стая - 1610: The Blood Countess
    1610: The Blood Countess


    24.09.23 г. | дата на посещение: 21.03.23 г.

    This escape room has an unique atmosphere which is its strongest point. If you like medieval themes, with a dark twist referring to a supposedly authentic story, you definitely will be satisfied. A lot of marks such as do not touch or excluded from the game kill the immersion which is a pity considering the idea for the introduction and animation of the game. Anyway, worth a visit.
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 7/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 8/10

    Интериор: 8/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Apocalypse Zombie 2213
    Apocalypse Zombie 2213


    24.09.23 г. | дата на посещение: 21.03.23 г.

    Of all the company's rooms, I liked this one the least, although it must be said that it is absolutely not a bad escape room. The set design is high-budget and reflects the space theme well. The puzzles require cooperation between players and perceptiveness with one quite difficult manual task. Game Mastering at the highest level.
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 7/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 9/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Haunted House 2: Poltergeist
    Haunted House 2: Poltergeist


    9.06.23 г. | дата на посещение: 18.03.23 г.

    After great Haunted House, it was time for the icing on the cake - Poltergeist. A room about which we have heard a lot. The animation of the game and the way the suspense is build will impress even an experienced players. The puzzles are not difficult but heavy atmosphere can sometimes effectively increase blood pressure. Fearful players might sometimes have trouble to overcome their emotions so it's a good idea to go here in a larger group. Game Mastering at the highest level. Professional introduction and animation. We felt well taken care of. The room is definitely worth its price. Highly recommended!
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 10/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Haunted House
    Haunted House


    9.06.23 г. | дата на посещение: 18.03.23 г.

    One of the best scary rooms I've ever played. It has a heavy atmosphere and during the game you definitely could have a feeling of uncertainty or being constantly watched. The room has something that is hard to describe in words so it’s worth to learn it the hard way. Medium difficulty puzzles. Special effects, set design and interiors surpass the vast majority of scary rooms I've ever played. Great Game Mastering.
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 10/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Safe - The Secret of Jack Daniels
    Safe - The Secret of Jack Daniels


    9.06.23 г. | дата на посещение: 17.03.23 г.

    One of the best escape rooms in Prague. Stunning, high-budget set design. Real forest hut hiding many secret. As for the riddles, there is a bit of everything here - electronic and manual solutions, padlocks, players cooperation. To put it in a nutshell, flow of the game was perfect. I only have doubts about marking this room as an expert one. Anyway, it’s a must-visit in Prague. Highly recommended!
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 10/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Zodiac Patres
    Zodiac Patres


    6.06.23 г. | дата на посещение: 18.03.23 г.

    Definitely, this is one of the best escape rooms in Prague we've had a chance to play. Everything here is on spot. From the gameplay animation, through high-class set design, to interesting and engaging puzzles. Highly recommended!
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 10/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Kino Úsvit
    Kino Úsvit


    6.06.23 г. | дата на посещение: 20.03.23 г.

    We decided to play here because of its nomination in TERPECA (that speaks for itself), but even that the quality of this room surprised us and exceeded expectations. This room was created with passion and it's full of puzzles of any kind. In addition, exceptional storyline and game mastering. In my opinion, must-visit escape room in Prague.
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 10/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Mission #53 - First police case
    Mission #53 - First police case


    6.06.23 г. | дата на посещение: 18.03.23 г.

    Very good escape room. The space is full of puzzles and there is a lot to do here, although the game time extended to 99 minutes seems to be more than enough to complete this mission without any problems. The storyline is interesting, as are the puzzles. Great and very realistic set design.
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Wonderland


    6.06.23 г. | дата на посещение: 17.03.23 г.

    One of the best Alice in Wonderland theme escape room we've ever played. It's colorful, it's fun and it's fairytale-like. A lot of electronic and manual puzzles, very well arranged. The room is non-linear, so it's good for a larger group. The whole room is really well done and definitely worth a visit! Great Game Mastering.
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Opus Magnum
    Opus Magnum


    6.06.23 г. | дата на посещение: 17.03.23 г.

    Interesting theme, interestingly arranged. This escape room has a very good puzzles based on different solutions. Good lighting, which does not hinder the game but builds up a mysterious atmosphere of the place. High quality set design. Worth visiting!
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Страница 2

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