Edyta N.

    Edyta N.

    Здравейте, аз съм Edyta N.. Посещавал съм 95 стаи за бягство. Каня ви да разгледате профила ми. Последвайте ме или напишете съобщение, за да поговорим за ескейп стаи.

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    Ескейп стая - Garaż Edmunda
    Garaż Edmunda


    23.05.18 г. | дата на посещение: 23.05.18 г.

    I had so much fun in this room!
    The puzzles were awesome, some of them where "traditional" others more electronic but never boring! It was so much fun trying to uncover grandpa secret, and what happened to him :)
    Customer service was incapable!
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 10/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Отговор на компанията Familock

    Dzięki za wsparcie i wizytę!
    Ескейп стая - Seria Niefortunnych Zagadek
    Seria Niefortunnych Zagadek

    The world is quiet here

    26.04.18 г. | дата на посещение: 25.10.17 г.

    Доверен преглед

    Let me just start from the beginning.
    Our group of 3 extraordinary escape room goers heard, that a super secret society by the mysterious name VFD is looking for new agents. We all agreed, that there's no one better for the job than us, so we decided to go and check it out. But let me just say, we weren't ready for what we've encountered! Crazy puzzles, great use of space, unbelievably dark .....shhhhhh no spoilers! One thing tho.. .cooperation is your best friend. We ended up saving the Baudelaire kids from their crazy Count Olaf, but we've heard he's working on another scheme, so we need you! If you're a fan of Series of Unfortunate Evens or Count Olaf ( although, I don't know who would be his fan :) please report to the VFD headquarters in Pszczyna. And even if you're not, it's a "must see" (must experience?) ER in the area.
    I enjoyed this ER very much, I would recommend it for the beginners and experienced players.
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Fabryka Czekolady
    Fabryka Czekolady

    "The best kind of prize is a *sur*prise!"

    9.04.18 г. | дата на посещение: 6.04.18 г.

    Great room!
    The decor was awesome (you can even get a snack, while you're trying to figure out your escape ;) .
    There's a lot of cool mechanisms, but some of the puzzles take a lot of time to complete, so make sure you have fast working hands ;)
    The customer service was great.
    Overall I would recommend this room to everyone, from the beginners to pros :)
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Лесно

    Ескейп стая - Statek Piratów
    Statek Piratów


    9.04.18 г. | дата на посещение: 9.04.18 г.

    The decor in this room was great, it really imitate a real ship. There's a lot of different mechanisms, that are interesting. The only thing is... it didn't work very smoothly. Some of the puzzles didn't work very well, even locks sometimes jammed.
    I think the room has a lot of potential and a lot of ideas, but it need to work on it's execution.
    The staff was great, and after telling them all of the problems we've had, they apologized and compensated for the problems. I really appreciated it, but unfortunately I have to give it 7/10.
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 7/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Escape DaVinci
    Escape DaVinci

    DaVinci Code

    9.04.18 г. | дата на посещение: 9.04.18 г.

    One of my favorites! (not only in Kraków!)
    First of all, when you walk in to this ER you can help but be in awe of the decor. Everything, from the huge machines, furniture to small locks sends you back in time.
    Puzzles are not the easiest, but also not the hardest. You just have to make sure to check everywhere.
    Customer service was excellent.
    Overall I would recommend this room for everyone, even the beginners. Just be careful! This ER might make you addicted to ERs!
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 10/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Cisza Nocna
    Cisza Nocna

    Prison Break

    4.04.18 г. | дата на посещение: 3.04.18 г.

    I really enjoyed this room! Puzzles are not the hardest, but they fit the overall theme.
    I really liked, how to get out of the rooms you need to cooperate (and I mean COOPERATE!). It’s only a second ER, that I’ve been in with the idea that relies so heavily on helping each other to got out of the room, and it’s a fun added challenge for everyone, so no one feels left out.
    There’s one puzzle that take a while, and your group will need a brainiac for some of the puzzles(it’s simple math, but you’ll be surprised what time pressure can do to your math skills :).
    The decor of the room is nice, it reminded me of the prison. For me the decor is not the decorations, that makes the room great, it’s the puzzles.
    The staff was excellent, will come back for sure!!
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Myśl - po myśliwsku
    Myśl - po myśliwsku

    Cabin in the woods...

    7.03.18 г. | дата на посещение: 2.03.18 г.

    Very interesting ER.
    The decor was great, makes you feel like you just stepped in to the cabin in the woods.
    The puzzles are nice, but more than on the puzzles, creators focused on hiding things, and making sure they're hard to find (to be fair, before the game we were warned, that there is a lot of things to look for but some of the "puzzles" didn't really work for me).
    Overall the room was a lot of fun, and it has a lot of potential.
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 8/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - W gąszczu tajemnic
    W gąszczu tajemnic


    13.02.18 г. | дата на посещение: 13.02.18 г.

    Let me start off by saying, that I've been in this ER before it got completely changed and redesigned, and I am so incredibly happy that brains over at QC took the challenge, and helped this ER reach it's full potential. (Although, the decorations look very similar, overall vibe of the room changed.)
    The puzzles are very intuitive, and clever.
    As I said before, decorations were good, and they matched the narrative.
    Can't wait for more from QC!
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Stare Więzienie
    Stare Więzienie


    5.01.18 г. | дата на посещение: 3.12.17 г.

    It was a fun room, you can really feel like you've been locked in prison.
    At the beginning, we were told, that there's no stupid ideas and not to be afraid to try them out, but some of the puzzles are unconventional, and a bit confusing (which can be a good thing, you just have to think outside the box :).
    The customer service was excellent.
    Overall our group had fun, and I'm interested to see more weird contraptions from Let Me Out.
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 8/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Klucz do umysłu wynalazcy
    Klucz do umysłu wynalazcy

    Steampunk journey

    5.01.18 г. | дата на посещение: 3.12.17 г.

    Such a fun experience!
    The room is small, but the space is used so well. The room is packed with riddles, and puzzles. It's not a linear room, which I prefer (especially with so much to do).
    The decorations of the room are so good, it makes you feel like you've just been transported to a steampunk universe. Very cool.
    The puzzles, are logical and creative.
    It definitely deserves to be on the top of ERs in Katowice.
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Страница 2

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