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    Artur S...

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    Ескейп стая - Wonderland


    9.08.24 г. | дата на посещение: 4.08.24 г.

    A colorful world and nice atmosphere where the line between reality and dream is almost invisible. The design of the room is perfect and magical. Colours, music, lights everything fits to the thema. There are many puzzles located on a small area. One of the most non linear room I have ever played. The solutions in the room are manual and electronics. Nice Game Master.

    Обща оценка: 8/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 9/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Zodiac Patres
    Zodiac Patres

    Zodiac Patres

    8.08.24 г. | дата на посещение: 4.08.24 г.

    One of the best medieval room I have ever played. Design and decor fits well to the thema. It has everything that a good escape room should have. We have an interesting storyline, great introduction, varied puzzles, cooperation and very good ending. The Game Master played his role perfect.

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 9/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Haunted House 2: Poltergeist
    Haunted House 2: Poltergeist


    8.08.24 г. | дата на посещение: 4.08.24 г.

    What the hell had happened there. One of the best in Praha. The best horror room I have ever played. I hate to be scare in an escape room but here it was something else. Everything fits together, design, area of the game, puzzles, music, light and acting. The puzzles are rather easy and they should be such, in this atmosphere difficult tasks could be impossible to finish. Very good ending of the game. Game Master - great.

    Обща оценка: 10/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Haunted House
    Haunted House

    Haunted House

    7.08.24 г. | дата на посещение: 4.08.24 г.

    One of the best scary rooms I've ever played. We go inside an old mansion where we have to discover the secret of the past. The storyline and decors are great in this room. The room surprises us many times. Everything fits to the thema. Many various puzzles and great developed space makes this room stunning.
    Haunted House

    Обща оценка: 10/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Escape Bar
    Escape Bar

    The Bar

    7.08.24 г. | дата на посещение: 3.08.24 г.

    Very original and surprising beginning. Good look of the room which fits to the thema. Medium difficulty of the puzzles. Game master ok.

    Обща оценка: 7/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 9/10

    Интериор: 8/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Nautilus


    7.08.24 г. | дата на посещение: 3.08.24 г.

    An amazeing room, one of the best in Praha which we played during two days. However we don't like the thema of submarine. The last one we played in Poland maked us very confused. This one changed our attitude to the submarine rooms. The scenery is beautiful. It has everything a good adventure room should have. High quality design, very good riddles and excellent effects. Well developed and variable space. Everything from the beginning fits to the thema. The farther we go the better we get. Game Master - very nice girl.

    Обща оценка: 10/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Galactic Pioneers
    Galactic Pioneers

    Cosmic room

    7.08.24 г. | дата на посещение: 3.08.24 г.

    This is not my favorite theme, which does not change the fact that this room was quite good. I think that only one galaxy room I have plaied earlier was better. We had a lot of work to do and the time was ticking. The room isnt't linear. The puzzles are electronicks and manual. We have stuck on one puzzle and lost several minutes and in the end we dit it accidently... Nice decoration, the room looks like a real space ship. Game Master did his work very well.
    Cosmic room

    Обща оценка: 8/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 9/10

    Интериор: 9/10

    Трудност: Труднo

    Ескейп стая - Cemetery - About Mr. Bohm's treasure
    Cemetery - About Mr. Bohm's treasure


    7.08.24 г. | дата на посещение: 3.08.24 г.

    Rather a smaller room, with good look and authentic and realistic decoration. Several quite interesting puzzels. Solutions are based on eletronics and padlocks. Game Master ok.

    Обща оценка: 7/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 9/10

    Интериор: 8/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Safe - The Secret of Jack Daniels
    Safe - The Secret of Jack Daniels

    The Secret of Jack Daniels

    7.08.24 г. | дата на посещение: 3.08.24 г.

    One of the best in Praha. Everything is very realistic in this room. Every little part of the decoration is real. Interesting riddles, varied solutions, from padlocks, manual to electronicks and even cooperation. Nice ending of the game. Very nice Game Master.

    Обща оценка: 10/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Mission #53 - First police case
    Mission #53 - First police case

    Praha room #1 - Mission

    6.08.24 г. | дата на посещение: 3.08.24 г.

    As it was said it is a difficult room. The mission which we must handle isn't very easy. Very authentic and realistic design of the room. An old room, where the meaning "old" doesn't matter at all. Interesting storyline. Large and well planned space. Many puzzles to solve. With every next solve puzzle we get to know the pleace better and better. Very nice Game Master.

    Обща оценка: 8/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 9/10

    Интериор: 9/10

    Трудност: Труднo

    Страница 3

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