

    Hi, our Escape Game group is from Ostrava, so if you want to know any information and recommendations about games in Ostrava and surrounding cities let me kn... [още]

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    Ескейп стая - Reaktor 404: powrót atomu
    Reaktor 404: powrót atomu

    Wow what a game!

    21.12.24 г. | дата на посещение: 8.12.24 г.

    Доверен преглед

    Wow! Loved this game. Absolute favourite of our escape games weekend!

    If you are an engineer or a mechanic or just an engineering enthusiast you will love this game. We loved the mechanical puzzles. The nuclear theme is also great. Lots of tools you work with are included in the game. Aaaand a little force might be needed - the very opposite of what you usally hear you can't or shouldn't do. You can't get bored during this game. Definitely a game to recommend.

    There was one misleading thing we have discussed with the gamemaster that I hope they adjust but otherwise nothing else negative to say about the game itself.

    English could be improved considered the game is offered in english. Gamemaster hinting nonexistent english words through the radio. Not good. But English is a general problem in Poland.
    Wow what a game!
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 8/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Moriarty sp. z o.o.
    Moriarty sp. z o.o.

    Quest Cage highlight

    17.12.24 г. | дата на посещение: 7.12.24 г.

    Доверен преглед

    Highlight of our escape games weekend. Lots of original aspects in the game. Unseen before. We loved it. Game combines modern aspects with the original assured patterns. Flow of the game is great, puzzles follow one another. I think the game was pretty linear which I prefer. I think we managed to escape without a hint. Everything is doable. I'd say the difficulty is medium. Suitable for everyone. I definitely recommend!

    Same problem as with the other gamemasters in Quest Cage. Very poor English so it is really hard to get into the story and get in the mood when there are basic mistakes. But the game itself made it up.
    Quest Cage highlight
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 8/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Tunele pod miastem
    Tunele pod miastem

    Ha, Ivan! Gimme vodka!

    17.12.24 г. | дата на посещение: 7.12.24 г.

    Доверен преглед

    So our advent weekend games started with this one on Saturday morning and it was a great start. Game is full of puzzles which is great. Many interactions. Even original stuff that we haven't experiecened before. I love the mice being everywhere around us inlcluding the little mice homes on the walls hehe (see attached pic). But yeah you really feel like under the city in a tunnel. Or maybe like in a prison because there is lots of bars too. Lots of climbing, lots of crawling so be dressed appropriately and expect it. Everything was functioning - that's always essential thing number 1 for me. We have really enjoyed the game. Would recommend and would go again for a similar game. No negative side about the game.

    Atmosphere? Good.
    Puzzles? Great.
    Interaction? Yes.
    Story? Meh.

    Considering the game is offered in English the level of English of the gamemaster was very poor. There were problems making basic sentences so it's really hard to understand the story when there are essential mistakes. But it's definitely a place to grow.
    Ha, Ivan! Gimme vodka!
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 8/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 8/10

    Интериор: 9/10

    Трудност: Среднo

    Ескейп стая - Wyznania Egzorcysty
    Wyznania Egzorcysty

    Great mysterious atmosphere!

    12.12.24 г. | дата на посещение: 6.12.24 г.

    Доверен преглед

    I really loved the game. The atmosphere is great. You really feel like in a chapel. Even though the game is not offered in English the gamemaster made an intro in English for us which was great because one of our members doesn't speak Polish. Big thumbs up for that!

    The game itself isn't scary. It's more about that devil related or dark, mysterious atmosphere which suits me more. There were some original aspects we haven't seen before in the previous 70 games. I wish all the horror/mystery games were like this where everything is working properly and if there is something unclear then there's always a hint incorporated in the game that you don't have to ask for the clue. The game is not linear but yet the flow of the puzzles is good.

    If you have played dozen of games then definitely go for the advanced difficulity version. Definitely worth a visit!
    Great mysterious atmosphere!
    Наскоро посетени стаи:

    Обща оценка: 9/10

    Обслужване на клиенти: 10/10

    Интериор: 10/10

    Трудност: Труднo

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