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Часова зона:
sato Code is the escape room across the city. You’re not confined to the indoors: the trail leads you through the city’s old town to discover an all new side... [още]
2-50 хора
60' минути
за начинаещи
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sato Code is the escape room across the city. You’re not confined to the indoors: the trail leads you through the city’s old town to discover an all new side of the most beautiful cities in Ticino. From the back entrance of a theatre, to a tattoo studio window and even a Tetris line, the clues could be everywhere. The virtual and real worlds blend: you won’t know what is authentic and what is merely part of the game anymore!
The challenges become more complex with every step as it leads you through charming alleyways. Make it all the way through and enjoy the satisfaction of victory and of trying something unique in Ticino! Love “The Da Vinci Code”? Just wait until you try Sato Code!
Piazza Grande, Locarno
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