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Часова зона:
Chapter 2 of the Maxim Saga Steal back the ring at the heart of it all! The Maxim ring, the crown jewel of the Maxim family treasure, is kept right here in... [още]
2-6 хора
60' минути
1 преглед
Sweden: 31-ви място
Malmö: 4-ти място
Chapter 2 of the Maxim Saga
Steal back the ring at the heart of it all! The Maxim ring, the crown jewel of the Maxim family treasure, is kept right here in the city at the Anigma Museum of Fine Arts. It is heavily protected, of course. Luckily you have acquired the keys and the guard has been…well, indisposed for at least an hour. Play as Anigma agents, break into the museum and steal back the ring! Thanks to bad tacos, Steve the security guard won’t be back for an hour.
Удобен за семейства
Стая за хора с увреждания
Игра без актьор
Плащане с карта при посещение
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Пълен контакт с майстора на играта
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