Królestwa walczą ze sobą od niepamiętnych czasów. Najstarsi ludzi nie pamiętają jak to żyło się w pokoju. Wielu władców w tym okresie zabezpieczało swoje bog...
2-4 хора
70' минути
152 прегледи
Poland: 39-и място
Gdańsk: 4-ти място
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We arrived in Gdansk and decided to visit several quest rooms. We chose from those available at a time convenient for us. Upadłe Królestwo was the first. Frankly speaking, I paid attention to the good reviews, but not to the difficulty🙈 We stayed together, before that we visited about 10 rooms, and it was quite difficult for us. The riddles were unusual, without previous experience I think it would be almost impossible to pass. Some types of quests we encountered earlier, we coped with them faster, but one mystery remained not fully understood. In my opinion, there is no plot, you just have to solve the puzzles one by one. The decor and interior is good, conveys the atmosphere quite well. I think the room is perfect for 2-3 experienced players.
Also, unfortunately, an unpleasant residue remained due to the game master. At a certain point, we needed a hint and no one answered us for 15 minutes, because of which we lost a lot of time, since the plot is linear, you cannot solve something else until you finish with the current riddle. At the end, they gave us the opportunity to go a little beyond our time, which of course cheered us up a little.