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ER шампион
Часова зона:
Step into the eerie world of 'Carrie,' a top horror game of 2019. Unravel the mystery of Carrie and her mother in this gripping psychological thriller. An in... [още]
2-6 хора
60' минути
1 преглед
Germany: 166-и място
Braunschweig: 4-ти място
Step into the eerie world of 'Carrie,' a top horror game of 2019. Unravel the mystery of Carrie and her mother in this gripping psychological thriller. An intense and cinematically staged experience that takes you deep into a disturbed psyche. Are you ready to confront the shadows of the past and uncover the dark secret?
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От 16-годишна възраст
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Пълен контакт с майстора на играта
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Hamburger Str. 268
38114 Braunschweig
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