са написали нов преглед на: Das Sanatorium
10/10Asylum of Fun <3
I've played greek version of this game (The Sanatorium) in two modes. I loved this one as well....
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Вижте новините от света на ескейп стаите в Germany. Това е мястото, където ще научите за най-новите ревюта на стаи или пресни премиери. На Germany има 1 499 стаи за вас има възможност да посетите. Следвайки този град, вие също така ще бъдете в крак с това, което се случва с вашите приятели от Локме. Локме е мястото, където можете да намерите най-добрите ескейп стаи и последните новини за тях.
10/10Asylum of Fun <3
I've played greek version of this game (The Sanatorium) in two modes. I loved this one as well....
10/10Like a real forest!!
This is a masterpiece! I love fake nature in escape rooms and I even love more when someone makes it...
7/10Why so fast?
The game was nice. Pretty space, not that small. Puzzles were cheap, there were lack of them. The interaction...
8/10New job on monday, yay!
It's good to be bad guys sometimes. And The Alley is our test to become ones. This game was once...
9/10Short Mission
Everything was good in this game. Nice space under the real train station makes it even more realistic....
⏩ pokój w większości liniowy; zagadki spójne, w temacie ⏩ bardzo miła obsługa! ⏩ duży plus...
More experience than escape room
It's hard for me to evaluate this as an escape room because it's more of an experience. If...