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Часова зона:
Travel through time and space to rescue a lost artifact, the life's work of an unknown genius, but be careful – your actions may change how this ends! The P... [още]
2-6 хора
60' минути
5 прегледи
Czechia: 11-и място
Prague: 10-и място
Travel through time and space to rescue a lost artifact, the life's work of an unknown genius, but be careful – your actions may change how this ends!
The Philosophers stone, Opus Magnum of medieval alchemists, is considered a myth. But there was one man, who thought he uncovered the key to immortality. Unfortunately, he didn’t get to finish his work. You are now called by his descendant to go on a daring mission through time and space to help him rescue this artifact. Who will you trust when ultimate power is at stake? Tread carefully, for your actions determine the fate of the world!
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