Партньор на Lockme
In the 1960s, nuclear war erupted, transforming the entire planet into a desert with winds blowing radioactive sand. A few managed to survive in underground... [още]
2-6 хора
75' минути
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In the 1960s, nuclear war erupted, transforming the entire planet into a desert with winds blowing radioactive sand. A few managed to survive in underground shelters. One of them, a scientist named John Smith, invented a substance capable of decontaminating the planet's surface and making it habitable again. However, he disappeared after producing enough of the substance to create his own oasis. By chance, you, wanderers roaming the desert from one hideout to another, have arrived at the doors of his abandoned shelter. With bated breath, you enter the airlock. You hope to secure enough of the substance for yourself and your loved ones... The game is inspired by the famous computer game Fallout.
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