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Какво е ескейп стая?
Ваучери за подарък
ER шампион
Часова зона:
The Chernobyl post office looms before you, your destination in the search for the lost letter. But a deadly challenge stands in your way: the air here crack... [още]
2-6 хора
60' минути
Няма отзиви
The Chernobyl post office looms before you, your destination in the search for the lost letter. But a deadly challenge stands in your way: the air here crackles with radiation, and your oxygen supply dwindles by the minute. Act fast, or this may be your last post office visit ever.
Escape room Изолация Варна - Gabrovo
Varna, Gabrovo St. 2 (Entrance from Han Omurtag St.)
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