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You've just been sentenced to 10 long years in prison for allegedly robbing a bank with your accomplices - at least that's what you're accused of, but of cou... [още]
2-6 хора
60' минути
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You've just been sentenced to 10 long years in prison for allegedly robbing a bank with your accomplices - at least that's what you're accused of, but of course you were wrongly convicted. In your prison cell you have a lot of time to think and you start to work out a spectacular escape plan. However, your efforts do not go unnoticed - the prison warden is already beginning to get suspicious and is hot on your and your friends' heels! It's now or never - put your plan into action and escape from prison!
Scavenger Escape Salzburg - Salzburg
5020 Salzburg Sterneckstraße 19.
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